Rewards: Stake & Claim

This section explains how to identify the number of pending rewards, and how to stake or claim them.

Pending Rewards

How to identify the number of rewards you are eligible for and can claim?

  • Visit the StandardRewards contract on etherscan

  • Execute the pendingRewards function (this is a Read function)

Input variable

Output response

Staking Rewards

This section explains how to stake the rewards into a bancor pool

  • Visit the StandardRewards contract on etherscan

  • Execute the stakeRewards function (this is a Write function)

Input variable

Once executed, ALL pending rewards will be staked into the relevant pool, and you will receive the bnTokens to represent your share in the pool.

If the pool has any "standard rewards" which require manual opt-in, you would need to join the relevant rewards plan.

Claiming Rewards

This section explains how to claim the rewards into your wallet

  • Visit the StandardRewards contract on etherscan

  • Execute the claimRewards function (this is a Write function)

Input variable

Once executed, ALL pending rewards will be claimed into your wallet.

Last updated