Migrating V2.1 Positions

This section outlines the process to migrate Bancor V2.1 positions to Bancor V3.

This process calculates all your available rewards and might be expensive

1. Identify your position(s)

This step explains how to identify your position IDs.

  • Visit the LiquidityProtectionStore contract on etherscan

  • Execute the protectedLiquidityIds function (this is a Read function)

Input variable

Output response

2. Identify position data

This section explains how to identify the relevant data based on the unique position ID.

  • Visit the LiquidityProtectionStore contract on etherscan

  • Execute the protectedLiquidity function (this is a Read function)

Input variable

Output response

* These values are needed for the migratePositions function

3. Migrate your protected positions

Now that you have your V2.1 protected position(s) data available, you can proceed in calling the migration function and move the funds to Bancor V3.

This process will migrate the full position and update the protection to 100% as a bonus

Visit the LiquidityProtection contract on etherscan

  • Execute the migratePositions function (this is a Write function)

Input variable

Format example:
[["poolTokenAddress", "reserveTokenAddress", [ID1, ID2, ..]]]

You can group multiple IDs with the same poolToken and reserveToken combination i.e. all IDs for LINK from the LINK/BNT pool

Once executed successfully, the following will happen:

  1. The v2.1 protected position(s) will no longer exist

  2. The value of the protected tokens will be staked into Bancor V3

  3. You would receive bnTokens that represent your migration

If you wish to participate in Standard Rewards, proceed to Joining Standard Rewards guide

Last updated