Standard (External) Rewards

In Bancor version 3, rewards can be distributed to a liquidity pool in any token using the Standard Rewards contract. For example, a project could distribute its earnings to token holders by creating a rewards program that distributes USDC.

This mechanism also enables rewards to be distributed in 2 different tokens at the same time, referred to as Dual Liquidity Mining.

Standard Rewards will be used to distribute BNT rewards in the Bancor V3 bootstrapping campaign.

Standard Rewards vs Auto Compounding Rewards

Standard Rewards differ from Auto Compounding Rewards in the following ways:

Standard Rewards
Auto Compounding Rewards

Reward token

Any token (deposited or non-deposited)

Deposited token only (i.e. for a DAI deposit, rewards can only be in the DAI token)

Requires manual opt-in

Yes - users must manually: 1. Join the rewards program using a join transaction (stake bnTokens) 2. Claim rewards using claim orstake transaction 3. Exit the program using leave to return their bnTokens

No - users receive the rewards automatically by holding bnTokens

Last updated